Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall "Photoshoot"

Today is... Friday! 

It's also starting to actually feel like fall!

Time for the cooler weather,

the apples and pumpkins,

and the different colored leaves. 

So, today I went outside and took a bunch of photos to celebrate.

Let's begin...

I wasn't sure if I liked this one or not.

What do you think?

I like this one..

 Lilly... the cat.

Accidentally cut off my head on this one but I still like how it turned out. 

This is my favorite one. 

It was a total accident that I caught it but I love it!

Oh and this would be one of my families chickens!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bottle Caps

I've been flattening bottle caps all week. 

Here's proof. 

I plan on making something out of them but I can't tell yet....

because it is a surprise! 

And... here are some random pictures of my cat, Lilly. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Fair

A couple weeks ago I entered some stuff in the fair for the first time....

and last week when I went to go check it out...

I noticed that one of my pictures won second place!

Not bad for a first try. =]

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The "Game Keeper"

I was using Stumble Upon when I found this...

I wasn't sure if it was a real product or not...

but I imagine that it was. haha

I kind of like it... ;P

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Picture

I decided to take down the picture of the shadow heart.

This thing. ^

And put an actual yellow bus. 


my brothers toy one. haha

I think I will try it out for a while and see how I like it. 

Also, I went to a Chris Rosser concert today.

I would recomend checking his music out if you've never heard of him.

He's pretty great. =] 

Off to do some homework now...

and maybe make some tea. haha



Here's a video of Chris if you don't want to go looking for one. ;P

Friday, September 2, 2011


My school started again last week.

So that should explain why I haven't been posting.

But... I'm a junior this year! 

It's a blast (and exhausting)... so far. 

Today, we had a prep rally where all the upperclassman,
juniors and seniors,

flooded the gym floor and had somewhat of a dance party. 

What a great way to start the year. 

I wish everyday there was a dance party. haha

And that I had pictures for proof but...

I didn't have my camera with me. =/

Oh well, you'll just have to believe me!