Saturday, October 29, 2011

The House

Last night I was lying in bed...

and all of a sudden thought...

"I haven't posted in a while!" 

So.. here I am...

adding another post.

It has been a busy week:

Placing 4th chair cello (out of 20?) for an orchestra concert ...

Carving pumpkins...
and watching as the house extension is being built!

Humm... and I just thought this was cheerful on a cold day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yarn and Buttons.

Last week was a mixture of projects and studying. 

Much like what this week will probably consist of... ugh. 

 Last week:

My friend, Jennifer, show me the band Fleet Foxes.

I also made this yarn and button headband...

... might do a how-to for this later.

I'm also taking the PSAT soon...

should be interesting. 

For now, I must finish my homework.

Good bye and good night.