Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mindy Smith

Well, unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from strings camp...

Although I will say that it was a blast!

At the end of the week, mom and I went to a Mindy Smith concert. 

I have been listened to her since I was little and it was really fun to finally get to see her perform live. 

She not only has a great voice but also acts normal on-stage.  

(By normal, I mean she didn't act like she was better than anyone else.)

She joked around about how she really doesn't like crickets in her house, how she bought a box at the Goodwill because she thought it might have some great treasure in it, and how she had a hole in her stocking that was bothering her. 

In all, she seemed like a really nice person. 

Here's one of her songs, if you have never heard of her. 

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