Tuesday, December 27, 2011

For Christmas I got a...

a new camera! 

Since then I have been picture crazy...

With Nate...

My favorite. <3


Mom AND Nate...

And even my eye... haha

I must say...it's such a fun camera to take pictures with. =]

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

We finally put up our Christmas tree today... Yay!

Nate tried to help but... it didn't really work out. 

We ended up taking all the candy canes off because he was circling them like a shark. haha

  Also... found these cool shoes in the Christmas box.

I actually like them a lot. =]

Anyways... Have a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011


The addition is done.... yay!

That is what it looks like now... (ignore the random wood plank on the deck.)

We were pretty excited to have that done before Christmas.

And there's Nate's little corner of the new  room..
(also has a desk, light and box of books that are not included in the picture.)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Orchestra Concert!

So yesterday was my first orchestra concert as a viola player!

I must say that all the orchestra classes were great.

High School (my group) played Sleigh Ride, Road to Lisdoonvarna, and Christmas Concerto. 

Mostly, I just wanted to say... way to go orchestra!

I love you guys! =]