Saturday, January 28, 2012


So... as I said...

I'm trying to post every Saturday. 

Made it through the first week of a new semester...


I've been thinking about selling the things I make...

maybe through Esty... 

but I'm still thinking about it.

I'll post more latter if/when it happens.

Anyways... for today's link I have a blog. 
This would be Color Me Katie,

who pretty much was the one who inspired me to start a blog. 

She's often tries to find ways to brighten peoples days,

not only through her blog,

but also around New York City.

She works with a group called Improv Everywhere,

if you have never heard of it I will also post a video from them below.

Her blog is always full of color and interesting ideas,

so... go check it out! =]

Anyways... have a cheerful weekend/week! 

Improv Everywhere 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Semester!

It is a new semester at school! Exciting.

Two AP class... Bring. It. On.

Means it will be harder to get on and post but...

I'll try for every Saturday. 

I might also try to start posting a few blogs...

or crafts...

or other fun websites on here every Saturday.

I'll start today with that I guess...


Today will be crafts...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Room

Last weekend I moved into my new room.. 

I would have to say I'm loving it!


Tried out for all state orchestra today...

Not sure if I made it yet

but if not, I still had a blast!

Definitely thinking about trying out next year too!