Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Wow, it has already been about a month since I last posted. 

Time seems to really fly. 

Just thought I would stop by and say "Happy Halloween!"

Unfortunatly, there are no costume pictures this year...

there seems to be a cold going around.

Here's some jack-o-lanterns though!

The kitty is mine and the "creepy face" is Nate's.

(Of course, Nate only did the design, not the cutting!) 

Hope everyone has had a fun night!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It's already starting to feel like fall...

and when I think of fall I also think of apples. 

A couple Saturdays ago (I meant to update then) my family and I went Apple picking.

The following are some pictures from the little trip. 

My two little brothers. haha

Nate wanted to try to pull me in the wagon. It didn't work out so well.

Nate sees and sits on a pumpkin.

Nate explains why he wants the "pumpkin pumpkin."
Nate riding with him new pumpkin friend in the wagon. haha
