Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Weekend

I was going to post this last weekend but...
I tend to procrastinate... a lot.
So, I'm posting it right now. 

Anyways, this last Sunday we went on a picnic. 
As we were driving up there we spotted a pull off where we could get out of the car and look around.
There was an amazing view...

...and spray paint pictures.

 There was a dog paw print....

 ... this heart flower thing...

 ...Love <3...

 ...a little bear face...

 ... peace + love = happiness...

 ... a peace symbol...

 ... SHARK!!!...

 ... an eye...

 ... horse...

... and a dog? 
I'm pretty sure that is what it is.

Anyways, that is what I did/saw over my weekend. 
I hope you had a nice weekend and have many more great weekends to follow!
Bye bye!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

From the View Of....

Yesterday I went around my house looking at things from the view of...

 a bee...

 road kill..

 an ant... 

and dust.

Those are the only ones that I have so far.
Comment any other ideas you might have and I will post a picture of what I think their view is. 

Today I got some cute fabric that was on sale.
I decided to make a new clothes pin carrier
since we hang clothes on the line a lot.
I really like how it turned out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This week...

The week before spring break...
that's the week that schools like to cram your brains full before your little break.
Oh what fun.
Anyways, it's a little hard to write this week because there is so much going on.
I found time tonight though...
so here I am. 

Tomorrow is my last day of drivers ed!
I'm so excited to be done with it! 
No more ten hour school days for me! 

I really wanted to try and write this week to share some things that happened this weekend. 
So without a moment too spare (or however you might put that)..
here is what I did:

I met some new dog strangers, 

hung out with my friends (I was sitting in that blank space), 

saw this cute window smilie face,


watched some performers at the park,

 took pictures of some pretty flowers,

 a bird,

and myself.

I just wanted to share those.
So now... I must go and finish my homework.
Till next time!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 things that make me smile...

 Curious babies...

.. how Isaac (younger brother) just joins in on my "photo shoots"...

 ... how babies act totally normal while in a pumpkin costume...

 ... coming home to my little room...

 ...this dress (use to be my moms when she was younger) ...

 ...awkward looking shadow photos... 

 ...wacky Wednesdays at school...

 ... brothers in matching outfits... 

 ...this pig at the outdoor movie theater... 

... and everytime I see a candy that has an unappetizing  name... I must have it! haha

Anyways, what makes you smile?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We go down to Greenville, SC a lot
and when I say a lot... I mean almost every weekend. 
It was a pretty day Sunday so we did the following....

Went to a frozen yogurt place and got a yummy, cold treat...
 ...went down town and found mice...

 ...bought some sodas (more bottle caps for me!) and went outside to drink them...

 ...Nate was extremely happy when we handed him his own mini Sprite...

... and saw this fountain thing.

Then my camera died.... =/
Although we also got to see a park/street performer and baby ducks!
That's always fun. Haha 
Anyways, Ciao!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today was a very interesting/fun day. 

 I saw a very cute and energetic otter,

 honestly thought a fox was cat,

 took this absolutely adorable picture of my baby brother,

sat in a giant egg shell while mom took pictures, 

 went to this amazing bakery,

 played with my little chickens,

 took these weird pictures (can you guess what it is?),

picture of a wine glass shadow,

and made these bookmarks! 

What did you do today? =]