Tuesday, December 27, 2011

For Christmas I got a...

a new camera! 

Since then I have been picture crazy...

With Nate...

My favorite. <3


Mom AND Nate...

And even my eye... haha

I must say...it's such a fun camera to take pictures with. =]

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

We finally put up our Christmas tree today... Yay!

Nate tried to help but... it didn't really work out. 

We ended up taking all the candy canes off because he was circling them like a shark. haha

  Also... found these cool shoes in the Christmas box.

I actually like them a lot. =]

Anyways... Have a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011


The addition is done.... yay!

That is what it looks like now... (ignore the random wood plank on the deck.)

We were pretty excited to have that done before Christmas.

And there's Nate's little corner of the new  room..
(also has a desk, light and box of books that are not included in the picture.)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Orchestra Concert!

So yesterday was my first orchestra concert as a viola player!

I must say that all the orchestra classes were great.

High School (my group) played Sleigh Ride, Road to Lisdoonvarna, and Christmas Concerto. 

Mostly, I just wanted to say... way to go orchestra!

I love you guys! =]

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I would like to start out by saying Happy Thanksgiving! 

I was going to list out everything I was thankful for but... I realized that it would be a pretty long list.

So instead I will just do another update on what is going on.

Last weekend, I went to a concert at The Orange Peel in Asheville.

As you can see on the ticket the two performers were Lykee Li and First Aid Kit. 

It was a blast and both were absolutely amazing.

If you have never heard of them... here's a taste of their music:

The first one is First Aid Kit while the second is Lykee Li. 

So that's what was happening last weekend. 

For this week... we are off for Thanksgiving break.

The house addition is almost done...

I should have pictures of that up soon but for now I must go. 

Have a good night and if you are doing black friday tomorrow...

good luck. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

StumbleUpon finds...

So I've been using StumbleUpon for about 3-4 years now... 

This week I have decided to show several websites under my interest of "music."

Even though I don't understand how these work...

I love them!

This is fun if you want to find new music and new genres. 

These guys just look like they are having fun. =]

Also... I've been trying to update more often but it's been really hard to find time. 

So maybe I will try for every Friday... Saturday... or Sunday...

Sometime over the weekend!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The House

Last night I was lying in bed...

and all of a sudden thought...

"I haven't posted in a while!" 

So.. here I am...

adding another post.

It has been a busy week:

Placing 4th chair cello (out of 20?) for an orchestra concert ...

Carving pumpkins...
and watching as the house extension is being built!

Humm... and I just thought this was cheerful on a cold day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yarn and Buttons.

Last week was a mixture of projects and studying. 

Much like what this week will probably consist of... ugh. 

 Last week:

My friend, Jennifer, show me the band Fleet Foxes.

I also made this yarn and button headband...

... might do a how-to for this later.

I'm also taking the PSAT soon...

should be interesting. 

For now, I must finish my homework.

Good bye and good night.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall "Photoshoot"

Today is... Friday! 

It's also starting to actually feel like fall!

Time for the cooler weather,

the apples and pumpkins,

and the different colored leaves. 

So, today I went outside and took a bunch of photos to celebrate.

Let's begin...

I wasn't sure if I liked this one or not.

What do you think?

I like this one..

 Lilly... the cat.

Accidentally cut off my head on this one but I still like how it turned out. 

This is my favorite one. 

It was a total accident that I caught it but I love it!

Oh and this would be one of my families chickens!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bottle Caps

I've been flattening bottle caps all week. 

Here's proof. 

I plan on making something out of them but I can't tell yet....

because it is a surprise! 

And... here are some random pictures of my cat, Lilly. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Fair

A couple weeks ago I entered some stuff in the fair for the first time....

and last week when I went to go check it out...

I noticed that one of my pictures won second place!

Not bad for a first try. =]

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The "Game Keeper"

I was using Stumble Upon when I found this...

I wasn't sure if it was a real product or not...

but I imagine that it was. haha

I kind of like it... ;P

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Picture

I decided to take down the picture of the shadow heart.

This thing. ^

And put an actual yellow bus. 


my brothers toy one. haha

I think I will try it out for a while and see how I like it. 

Also, I went to a Chris Rosser concert today.

I would recomend checking his music out if you've never heard of him.

He's pretty great. =] 

Off to do some homework now...

and maybe make some tea. haha



Here's a video of Chris if you don't want to go looking for one. ;P

Friday, September 2, 2011


My school started again last week.

So that should explain why I haven't been posting.

But... I'm a junior this year! 

It's a blast (and exhausting)... so far. 

Today, we had a prep rally where all the upperclassman,
juniors and seniors,

flooded the gym floor and had somewhat of a dance party. 

What a great way to start the year. 

I wish everyday there was a dance party. haha

And that I had pictures for proof but...

I didn't have my camera with me. =/

Oh well, you'll just have to believe me!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Good question...

"If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth -- beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals -- would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?"
~ George Bernard Shaw, playwright, Nobel Prize 1925
Basically, would you want someone eating you? haha Thought it was an interesting quote and had to share. 
I found it on this site... http://choices.cs.uiuc.edu/~f-kon/vegetarian.html

Monday, August 15, 2011

Looks like fun!

Today I saw this on another blog and thought it look quite fun.

Had to share it. ;P

Here's a link to the other blog, so I can give credit to them for finding this. 


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Looking through old photos...

Today I was looking through photos on one of my old Facebook albums...

and just decided to post some of my favorites on here.

Sunset <3...

Weird green light beam thing.

Painting on the side of a coffee shop we use to go to.

I'm looking through the empty bottle.

Not my best of photos but I love it <3

I really like how this one turned out.

This isn't actually all of them...

I was just having trouble tracking down the other photos. 

So maybe I will post them another time? 

Anyways, schools about to start again... 

 So I might not be able to post as often as I would like. 

I will aim for at least once or twice a week though!

For now I say... good night.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Penny Messages....

A couple months ago I made these "message pennies." 

That looked like this.... 

Well, yesterday I decided to go ahead and leave them for people to find.

Unfortunately, I found that pennies are hard to take pictures of...

and this was one of the only pictures where you could tell that it was a penny. haha

So yeah, after carrying these around with me for a month,

I finally put them in random public places.

I wonder if anyone has found them...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I love leaving random notes...

Little Red Hat...

So I basically quite with the portrait project.

It was becoming too difficult to keep up with two projects..

so I dropped this one. 

Anyways,  I wanted to show you this hat I made the other day. 

I don't normally wear red but I really like how it looks.

Can't wait till it gets cooler so I can actually wear it. haha

I also made a little gray flower to go with it.

The flower has a pin on the back so I can take it off when ever I want. 

I learned how to make the hat from this video...

(I didn't make mine exactly like it but it's close.)

and the flower from this one.

(Although I didn't complete the video.. I used the first part and just added a button.)

So if you are interested in making one too.. that's how you do it. 

It's also, in my opinion, a good hat for beginners...

so get some yarn, a hook and go for it! ;P

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beach Trip

Last week we went to the beach.

This was Nate's first trip to the beach and he loved it.  

It was like some sort of giant salty pool and sandbox to him.

We also saw turtles...

 and plenty of seagulls!

This a picture from the same beach...

7 years ago and now.

Anyways.. wanted to post about that before I forgot. =] 
